Jorge Carabaña Fernández
Nature and honey lover, Beekeeper Professional and queens breeder. Fundator y creator of Miel de Melque Apicultura Creativa, Member of Toledo, Ciudad Real and Albacete Beekeper Spanish Association. Activist in "Etiquetado Claro" Platform. He manages the exploitation, the commercial strategy and the development of the company.
Enrique Gutiérrez Payo
"Hobbyst“ Beekeeper who embarked in the proyect full of enthusiasm and passion. Fulfill his dream by creating Miel de Melque Apicultura Creativa. Entrepreneur, with ideas and great creativity.
Nerea Gutiérrez Rodríguez
She designs the company's direction and strategy. Nerea supervises the financial and administrative operations, leading and accompanying the team of Miel de Melque Apicultura Creativa to fulfill its objectives. Entrepreneur, enthusiastic and very innovative.
We are a family business dedicated to the divulgue of beekeeping and to obtaing prodcts from our own hives. We are in Montes de Toledo and in La Alcarria (Castilla La Mancha), regions with a great history and apicultural tradition where, for centuries, honeys have been obtained with a very appreciated and extraordinary quality.
We are committed to the traditional craftsmanship, being of vital importance for us the knowledge of the product. We belive in our methodology of work and we are very proud of the results.
With all our enthusiasm and work, we have created a space for any consumer to see how we produce honey and pollen and, the most important, how bees live. We want to be transparent, since the knowledge of the product is the key to make sense and value it. We strive to teach and encourage beekeeping, we explain the different benefits attributed to bees to save our planet and perform the pollination action.
Among other activities, we carry out workshops on Environmental Education, visits to beehives (Apitourism), Beekeeping workshops, Honey Tasting and other products of the hive... etc
Our obsession and objective is clear: the quality. To get the best honey, we mus take care in detail the process of harvest, processing and packaging. Therefore, our settlements and apiaries are locted in protected natural areas, with the ideal conditions to obtain a 100% organic, natural and ecological product.
We pack following rigorous sanitary controls without using high temperatures, nor pasteurizing processes to avoid altering its excellent propierties. The honey that we laborate is a raw honey that goes directly "from the honeycomb to the palate".
We package following rigorous sanitary controls without using hight temperatures or pasteurization processes so as not to alter its excellent properties. The honey we make is raw honey that goes directly “from the honeycomb to the palate.”
I met Miel de Melque in Callejón del Pozo Accommodations with some friends. They organized apiaries tours. Since then I am a strong consumer of its honey because of the guarantee and good taste they offer.
Carmen Loro Aguayo
100% recommendable! Natural and nacional honey with a high quality and a unbeatable service to consumers. I have a sponsored apiary and I receive every year my honey harvest. I am very happy with the price/service.
A. García Lorenzo

The principles that drive our company are as follows:
- To promote actions related to beekeeping, conservation and improvement of nature, the fight against climate change, as well as
the sustainability of development through the environment. - To promote sustainable development through the promotion of actions and good practices in our apiaries. We respect the biological
cycles of activity-rest bees, without forcing them with permanent transhumances. - We carry out authorized ecological treatments, taking care of our surroundings in this way.
- Our hives are located in wild areas such as natural parks and mountain areas, without the existence of agricultural crops in the
range of action or travel of bees. - Our products are handcrafted. We do not pasteurize the honey and we keep it with all its properties. It is our raw honey.
- We offer transparency and commitment to our customers, offering a 100% safe payment, effective and comfortable delivery, as well
as certified quality of all our products.